2009年6月27日 星期六

中國評論通訊社-伊朗高燒不退 西方國家首鼠兩端.


2009年6月26日 星期五

Barbra Streisand-Awards and achievements

Barbra Streisand - Woman in Love
Barbra Streisand (pronounced /ˈstraɪsænd/ STRY-sand; born Barbara Joan Streisand, April 24, 1942) is an American singer and film and theatre actress. She has also achieved note as a composer, liberal political activist, film producer, and director. She has won two Academy Awards, nine Grammy Awards, four Emmy Awards and a Special Tony Award. She is one of the very few entertainers to have won all of these honors, although she has yet to win a competitive Tony Award. In 2008 she was inducted asa Kennedy Centre Honoree.
She is one of the most commercially and critically successful female entertainers in modern entertainment history and one of the best selling solo recording artists in the US, with RIAA-certified shipments of over 71 million albums. She is the highest ranking female artist on the Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) Top Selling Artists list.
Streisand has sold over 100 million albums worldwide and is one of Billboard's highest ranking female artists.
Barbra Streisand - The Way We Were (1975)
Memory - Barbra Streisand
電影插曲,由男歌手尼爾·戴蒙德創作,他與女歌手芭芭拉·史翠珊演唱。 芭芭拉清亮热情的嗓音和尼尔郁黯深沉的嗓音形成了鲜明的对比。 芭芭拉清亮熱情的嗓音和尼爾鬱黯深沉的嗓音形成了鮮明的對比。 讓一位流行歌星去演唱古典藝術歌曲,恐怕是很難辦到的事,然而芭芭拉·史翠珊卻能實現這奇蹟。 這位1942年出生的猶太女歌星有著得天獨厚的優美歌喉,自幼就顯示了喜劇表演才能和優異的樂感。 1960年她參加了紐約格林威治村的一次夜總會歌唱比賽奪得了冠軍,次年首次在電視節目中露面,從此開始了她的演唱生涯。 她善唱、舞、善演,具有多方面的才能,很快就引起人們的注意. 1963年,她錄製了第一張專輯唱片,緊接著又推出兩張更暢銷的唱片,顯示了她掌握各種風格的技藝和驚人的聲樂技巧,幾十年來她一直稱於歐美流行樂壇,史翠珊特別擅長演唱那些激情洋溢的抒情歌曲,她的歌曲中蘊涵著火一般的熱情和詩一樣的溫馨。 60年代中期,她曾三次獲格蘭美最佳流行女歌手獎,1987年又一次獲得該獎。 1967年在紐約中央公園的音樂會吸引了13萬5千觀眾。史翠珊在電影方面也有驚人的成績。 1968年因主演《俏皮姑娘》而獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎。 1969年又在《哈羅,多莉! 》中担任女主角,以善唱善演的魅力征服了觀眾。 1976年,她主演的影片《明星的誕生》中,有一首她自己作曲並親自演唱的歌曲《愛情萬年青(ever ;green)》,奪得奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲獎。 在影壇的輝煌勝利,激勵了她的決心,她開始創辦並經營了自己的製片公司,多次出任導演。1983年她自編、自製片、自導、自演、自唱的影片《燕特爾》上映,開創了她事業的新高度。 Barbra Streisand In concert O2 arena (London), 2007.
In concert O2 arena (London), 2007.
Background information Birth name Barbara Joan Streisand Born April 24, 1942 (age 67) Brooklyn, New York, USA Genre(s) Traditional Pop, Adult Contemporary, Show tunesSinger, actress, producer, director Years active 1957-present Label(s)Columbia Website BarbraStreisand.com Awards and achievements Preceded by Ella Fitzgerald for Ella Swings Brightly with Nelson Riddle Grammy Award for Best Vocal Performance, Female 1964 for The Barbra Streisand Album 1965 for People 1966 for My Name Is Barbra Succeeded by Eydie Gorme for If He Walked Into My Life Preceded by Vaughn Meader for The First Family Grammy Award for Album of the Year 1964 for The Barbra Streisand Album Succeeded by Stan Getz & João Gilberto for Getz/Gilberto Preceded by Ella Fitzgerald for Mack The Knife Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 1965 for People Succeeded by Petula Clark for I Know a Place Preceded by Linda Ronstadt for Hasten Down The Wind Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 1977 for Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born) Succeeded by Anne Murray for You Needed Me Preceded by Bruce Johnston for I Write the Songs Grammy Award for Song of the Year 1978 for Evergreen Succeeded by Billy Joel for Just the Way You Are Preceded by The Doobie Brothers for Minute by Minute Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal 1981 for Guilty Succeeded by The Manhattan Transfer for Boy From New York City Preceded by Richard Attenborough for Gandhi Golden Globe Award for Best Director - Motion Picture 1984 for Yentl Succeeded by Miloš Forman for Amadeus Preceded by Whitney Houston for Saving All My Love for You Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 1987 for The Broadway Album Succeeded by Whitney Houston for I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) Preceded by Bill Evans, Aretha Franklin, Arthur Rubinstein Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award 1995 Succeeded by Dave Brubeck, Marvin Gaye, Georg Solti, Stevie Wonder Preceded by Eddie Izzard for Dress to Kill Primetime Emmy Award for Individual Performance In A Variety Or Music Program 2001 for Barbra Streisand: Timeless Succeeded by Sting for A&E in Concert More about her--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbra_Streisand

Andrea Bocelli - La donna è mobile

Andrea Bocelli - La donna è mobile
Superstar tenor Andrea Bocelli sings the most instantly recognizable song in opera: La donna è mobile from Verdi's Rigoletto, at his Statue of Liberty concert. 2007.

Woman is as wayward as a feather in the breeze, she changes her tune and her mind. A lovable, pretty face is always deceitful, whether weeping or smiling. Woman is as wayward as a feather in the breeze, she changes her tune and her mind. And her mind, and her mind! Anyone who trusts her is always wretched, he who confides in her, his heart is broken! But no one can ever be completely happy if he does not snip love on that breast. Woman is as wayward as a feather in the breeze, she changes her tune and her mind. And her mind, and her mind!

Andrea Bocelli - Vivo Per Lei.vs Hélène Segara,Marta Sanchez,sandy leah lima,

這首 Vivo Per Lei Andrea Bocelli 的原版是意大利文版,陪唱的是 Giorgia
法文的 Helene Segara德語的 Judy Weiss;西班牙文 Marta Sanchez
巴西版的是芳齡十七的漂亮妹妹 sandy leah lima。1997
現在我們來欣賞 Andrea Bocelli 和 Hélène Segara 唱 的法語版本,
Andrea Bocelli and Helene Segara Vivo per lei

Vivo per lei da quando sai 我整個生命屬於她 la prima volta l'ho incontrata, 從第一次與她相遇 non mi ricordo come ma 不知道為了什麼 mi e entrata dentro e c'e restata. 她早已長留我心底 Vivo per lei perche mi fa 我整個生命屬於她因為 vibrare forte l'anima, 她使我的靈魂戰慄 vivo per lei e non e un peso. 我的生命已與她緊緊維繫 Je vis pour ell’depuis toujours 我始終為她而存在 qu’ell’ me d'echire ou qu’ell’ soit tendre 無論痛苦還是撫慰 Ell’ nous dessine, apres l'amour 她用愛為我們描繪出 Un’ arc en ciel dans notre chambre 一道美麗的彩虹 Elle est musique et certains jours 她就是音樂,當某天 quand notre c'e ur se fait trop lourd 我們身心疲憊 Elle est la seule a pouvoir nous porter secours 惟有她能讓我們獲得安寧 e` una Musa che ci invita 她像繆斯女神般引導我們 Elle vivra toujours en moi - a 她永遠在我心中 attraverso un pianoforte 她溫柔地滑過琴鍵 la morte e lontana, 死亡已離我們遠去 io vivo per lei. 我整個生命都屬於她 Je vis pour ell e jour apres jour 我每天都為她存在 Quand ses accords en moi se fondent 她與我的生命緊緊相連 C'est ma plus belle histoire d'amour 這是我最美麗的愛情故事 e un pugno che non fa mai male. 她永遠不會把我傷害 Vivo per lei lo so mi fa 我整個生命屬於她 girare in citta in citt'a 她引導我走遍世界 soffrire un po' ma almeno io vivo 歷經磨難卻執卓生命 Je serai perdu sans elle 沒有她我也不復存在 Vivo per lei dentro gli hotels 我在旅途中尋找她 Je suis triste et je l'appelle 我在憂愁中呼喚她 Vivo per lei nel vortice. 在世俗的 旋流中為她而存在 Attraverso la mia voce 用我的歌聲 si espande e amore produce. 讓愛傳遍 Vivo per lei nient'altro ho 我整個生命屬於她 e quanti altri incontrero` 無數的人們與我相遇 che come me hanno scritto in viso` 他們喜悅的臉容如我一樣 io vivo per lei. 因為人人都為她而生存 Io vivo per lei 我整個生命屬於她 sopra un palco o contro ad un muro 我的生命穿越一切隔閡 Elle nous ressemble encor'tu vois 她將我們聯在一起 anche in un domani duro. 以及難以等待的時間 J'existe enfin je sais pourquoi 我知道我為何存在的理由 Ogni giorno 在每一天裏 una conquista, 贏得榮耀與輝煌 la protagonista 她是我的主宰 sara` sempre lei. 直到永遠 Vivo per lei perche oramai 我整個生命都屬於她 io non ho altra via d’uscita, 我擯棄了一切幻影 perch'e la musica lo sai 因為音樂永遠忠實 davvero non l'ho mai tradita. 不會背叛我的心靈 Elle est musique, elle a des ailes 她是音樂,她展開雙翼 Elle m'a donn'e la clef du ciel 她引導我遨遊天國 Qui m'ouvre enfin les portes du soleil 她為我打開天宇的大門 J'existe par ell’ 我為她而生存 Vivo per lei la musica. 我整個生命屬於音樂 J'existe pour elle 我為她而生存 Vivo per lei e unica. 只為她生存 Io vivo per lei. 我整個生命都屬於她 Io vivo per lei. 我整個生命都屬於她
playlist #1 vs Helene Segara in France #2 vs Giorgia #3 vs Marta Sanchez in Spain #4 vs Laura Pausini ( Amor real, cinema ) #5 vs Sandy leah lima in Brazil.
vivo_per_lei.htm#Italiano這個網址裡頭是六個版本的歌詞和英文翻譯, 有興趣的人歡迎連結進去看看。
Andrea Bocelli 的原版是意大利文版,& Giorgia
Vivo per lei da quando sai 自從初次與她邂逅 la prima volta l'ho incontrata, 我就為她而活 non mi ricordo come ma 我不記得如何發生 mi è entrata dentro e c'è restata. 但她已經走進我的生命不再離開 Vivo per lei perchè mi fa 我為她而活 vibrare forte l'anima, 因為她讓我的靈魂顫動 vivo per lei e non è un peso. 我為她而活,這不是負擔 Vivo per lei anch’io lo sai 你也知道我為她而活 e tu non esserne geloso, 而你並不忌妒 lei è di tutti quelli che 她屬於那些 hanno un bisogno sempre acceso, 隨時必須在房間 come uno stereo in camera, 打開音響之類的人 di chi è da solo e adesso sa, 屬於孤獨的人 che è anche per lui, per questo 如今知道他也對她心有所屬 io vivo per lei. 我更要為她而活 È una Musa che ci invita 她是向我們邀約的繆司 a sfiorarla con le dita, 以手指輕觸她 attraverso un pianoforte 經由琴音 la morte è lontana, 死亡已經遠離 io vivo per lei. 我為她而活 Vivo per lei che spesso sa 我為她而活 essere dolce e sensuale 她總是保持甜蜜與性感 a volte picchia in testa ma 偶而她也會當頭痛擊 è un puguo che non fa mai male. 但她的拳頭從不傷人 Vivo per lei lo so mi fa 我為她而活 girare di città in città, 我知道她也會讓我迷惘地四處亂晃 soffrire un po’ma almeno io vivo. 讓我有些心痛,但至少我仍活著 È un dolore quando parte. 離去是一陣痛苦 Vivo per lei dentro gli hotels. 我在旅館為她而活 Con piacere estremo cresce. 帶著極度的喜悅成長 Vivo per lei nel vortice. 我在旋渦裡為她而活 Attraverso la mia voce 愛情透過我的歌聲 si espande e amore produce. 膨脹與滋生 Vivo per lei nient’altro ho 我為她而活,我別無所有 e quanti altri incontrerò 而我還遇見多少人 che come me hanno scritto in viso 他們的臉上也和我一樣寫著 io vivo per lei. 我為她而活 Io vivo per lei 我為她而活 Io vivo per lei 我為她而活 sopra un palco o contro ad un muro… 不論在劇院或在困境 Vivo per lei al limite. 我在軟弱的時候為她而活 …anche in un domani duro. 或是在艱苦的明天 Vivo per lei al margine. 我在生命的邊緣為她而活 Ogni giorno 每天 una conquista, 有新的征服 la protagonista 主角 sarà sempre lei. 永遠是她 Vivo per lei perchè oramai 我為她而活 io non ho altra via d'uscita, 因為如今我已別無他途 perchè la musica lo sai 如你所知道 davvero non l'ho mai tradita. 我從未背叛音樂 Vivo per lei perchè mi da 我為她而活 pause e note in libertà. 因為她給我自由的休止和音符 Ci fosse un’altra vita la vivo, 假如還有另外一場生命 la vivo per lei. 我也要為她而活 Vivo per lei la musica. 我為她而活,音樂 Io vivo per lei. 我為她而活 Vivo per lei è unica. 我為獨一無二的她而活 Io vivo per lei. 我為她而活 Io vivo per lei. 我為她而活 Io vivo per lei. 我為她而活
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hskBRwFWq7c Vivo per lei - Andrea Bocelli and Helene Segara
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSEWEDV2y0w Bocelli's Classic Love Songs2007.
Hélène Ségara
Hélène Ségara with Yannick Noah
Hélène Ségara with Yannick Noah
Background information
Birth nameHélène Rizzo
BornFebruary 26, 1971 (age 38)
OriginSix-Fours-les-Plages, France
Genre(s)Pop, Ballad
Years active1985–present
Label(s)East West, Warner Music, Mercury,Universal Music
Associated actsNotre-Dame de Paris
Sandy Leah Lima e Durval de Lima Júnior (músicos brasileiros)
Marta Sánchez Marta Sánchez
Marta Sánchez
Background information Birth name Marta Sánchez López Born May 8, 1966 (1966-05-08) (age 43)
Occupation(s) Singer, Guitarist
Years active 1985-1991 (Olé Olé) 1992-present (solo) Website Official Site
ps. There might some mistakes in Lyrics, sorry!!^^``

Caruso,by Bocelli,Lara Fabian,Vitas

Andrea Bocelli - Carusso / Caruso


Qui dove il mare luccica e tira forte il vento su una vecchia terrazza davanti al golfo di Surriento un uomo abbraccia una ragazza dopo che aveva pianto poi si schiarisce la voce e ricomincia il canto. Te voglio bene assaie ma tanto tanto bene sai h una catena ormai che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai. Vide le luci in mezzo al mare pensr alle notti l` in America ma erano solo le lampare e la bianca scia di un' elica senti il dolore nella musica si alzr dal pianoforte ma quando vide la luna uscire da una nuvola gli sembrr dolce anche la morte guardr negli occhi la ragazza quegli occhi verdi come il mare poi all'improvviso uscl una lacrima e lui credette di affogare. Te voglio bene assaie ma tanto tanto bene sai h una catena ormai che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai. Potenza della lirica dove ogni dramma h un falso che con un po' di trucco e con la mimica puoi diventare un altro ma due occhi che ti guardano cosl vicini e veri ti fan scordare le parole confondono i pensieri cosl diventa tutto piccolo anche le notti l` in America ti volti e vedi la tua vita come la scia di un'elica ma sl h la vita che finisce ma lui non ci pensr poi tanto anzi si sentiva gi` felice e ricomincir il suo canto. Te voglio bene assaie ma tanto tanto bene sai h una catena ormai che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai



Here, where the sea shines and the wind blows on an old terrace on the Sorrent gulf a man hugs a girl, after she had cried then he clears his voice and begins again to sing. I love you very much very very much, you know it's become a chain that melts the blood inside the veins, you know He saw the lights in the middle of the sea and thought about the nights there, in America but they were just the boats (with lights, used to fish during the night) and the white trail of a propeller He felt pain in the music and got up from the piano but when he saw the moon coming out from behind a cloud even death seemed sweet to him he looked in the eyes of the girl, those eyes green as the sea then suddenly a tear slipped out and he thought he was going to drown. I love you very much very very much, you know it's become a chain the melts the blood inside the veins, you know Power of lyric, where every drama is fake and with a bit of make-up and mimic you can become another person but two eyes, so close and so truthful, looking at you make you forget the words and confuse your thoughts so everything becomes small, even the nights there, in America you turn around and you see your life as a propeller's trail Yeah, it's life that ends, but he didn't think too much about it on the opposite, he felt (already) happy and began again to sing I love you very much very very much, you know it's become a chain that melts the blood inside the veins, you know

Lara Fabian - Caruso (English lyrics translation) Vitas 卡羅素 Caruso (合唱) LIVE ( by Carmen681108 )


【中国禁闻】湖北离奇命案 爆发七万人警民冲突. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZCGo_YEyaQ

2009年6月23日 星期二

Whitney Houston ,Leona Lewis, I will always love you.

I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston Video The Bodyguard
我會永遠愛你 惠妮休斯頓 如果我留下 只會成為你的牽絆 所以我離去 但我知道 每踏出一步,我都會想念你 我會永遠愛你 永遠愛你 你,我親愛的你 苦甜摻雜的回憶 是我所能帶走的 再見了 請別哭泣 我倆都明白,我不是你想要的 我希望生命能對待你仁慈些 希望你能擁有你所夢想的 祝你幸福快樂 但撇開這一切,我期望你的愛 電影"終極保鏢" 主題曲
一首好歌若找對了人來唱,才能散發它應有的魅力,這首曲子就是個很好的例子。原作者也是原唱的鄉村巨星 桃莉.芭頓(Dolly Parton),大概也想不到自己這首鄉村歌曲的排行冠軍曲,多年後會成為一首轟動全球的抒情名曲。桃莉.芭頓 溫婉的原唱風味固然不差,但鄉村歌曲的格調只有美國人會喜歡,惠妮.休斯頓 的驚人唱功,才真正激發出這首曲子的情緒感染力。 Leona Lewis ~ I Will Always Love You ~ 25.11.2006 (Week 7) The 2006 XFactor Leona Lewis Leona Lewis performing in 2009
Leona Lewis performing in 2009
Background information Birth name Leona Louise Lewis Born 3 April 1985 (1985-04-03) (age 24) Islington, London, England Genre(s) Pop, R&B Occupation(s) Singer Years active 2006–present Label(s) Syco, Sony Music, J Records Website www.leonalewismusic.co.uk