2009年6月20日 星期六

超頻者天堂- 請注意!即日起「喝茶閒聊區」禁止討論政治文!

Ave Maria:Beyoncé 請注意!即日起「喝茶閒聊區」禁止討論政治文! 想看原網址按這裏.


Ave Maria:Beyoncé http://peacehall.com/news/focus/forum_bx.htm 想看原網址按這裏一下.


Un Fatto Ovvio:Laura Pausini http://www.boxun.com/hero/64/52_1.shtml


Un Fatto Ovvio:Laura Pausini

2009年6月19日 星期五

Andrea Bocelli & Zucchero Fornaciari - Miserere

Andrea Bocelli & Zucchero Fornaciari - Miserere (Live) (English lyrics translation)
Testo: Zucchero
Miserere, miserere 主 憐憫我,主 憐憫我 miserere, misero me 主 憐憫我,那不幸的我 però brindo alla vita! 不過 我對生命敬杯! Ma che mistero, è la mia vita, 不過 多麼神秘啊 我的生命 che mistero! 多麼的神秘! Sono un peccatore dell'anno ottantamila, 我是一個來自 80000 年的罪人 un menzognero! 一個騙子! Ma dove sono e cosa faccio, 不過 我到底在哪裡 我在做什麼 come vivo? 我是怎麼樣生活的? Vivo nell'anima del mondo 我生活在世界的靈魂裡 perso nel vivere profondo! 迷失在深奧的生命之中! Miserere, misero me, 主 憐憫我,那不幸的我 però brindo alla vita! 不過 我對生命敬杯! Io sono il santo che ti ha tradito / quando eri solo 我是那個聖人 那個在你孤獨時背棄了你的聖人 e vivo altrove e osservo il mondo / dal cielo 我生活在某處 在天空上 觀察著這個世界 e vedo il mare e le foreste 我看見大海 以及叢林 e vedo me che... 我看見自己... Vivo nell'anima del mondo 生活在世界的靈魂裡 perso nel vivere profondo! 迷失在深奧的生命之中! Miserere, misero me, 主 憐憫我,那不幸的我 però brindo alla vita! 不過 我對生命敬杯! Se c'è una notte buia abbastanza 如果有一個夜晚 黑暗得 da nascondermi, nascondermi, 能夠將我藏起來... 將我藏起來... se c'è una luce, una speranza, 如果有一絲光線 有一個希望 sole magnifico che splendi dentro me 有美麗的太陽在我的內在閃耀著 dammi la gioia di vivere 給我活著的快樂 che ancora non c'è! 那還不在這裡的快樂! Miserere, miserere, 主 憐憫我,主 憐憫我 quella gioia di vivere 那活著的樂趣 che forse 或許 ancora non c'è. 還不在這兒

Zucchero Fornaciari Zucchero live at Skanderborg Festival, Denmark, August 2007.
Zucchero live at Skanderborg Festival, Denmark, August 2007.
Background information Birth name: Adelmo Fornaciari Born: September 25, 1955 (1955-09-25) (age 53) Origin Reggio Emilia, Italy Genre(s) Pop rock Soul Blues Adult Contemporary Years active 1970–present Label(s) Polydor/Universal Music Group Website www.zucchero.it

Antonello Venditti - Amici Mai & Ogni volta

引用自: http://spazio.libero.it/monnalisa_1953/ url: http://video.libero.it/app/play?id=e99edc91b9693eb7eea62cf37fa37e7c

Antonello Venditti - Amici Mai朋友們都

Ogni volta (每一次)

共有十部相關影片 MV 都是 ROMANTIC SONG. 畫面是超優滴~~~
Antonello Venditti.
Ogni Volta.

Antonello Venditti in 2008
Antonello Venditti in 2008
Background information
Born March 8, 1949 (1949-03-08) (age 60)
Origin Rome, Italy
Genre(s) Pop, Pop rock
Occupation(s) Singer–songwriter
Years active 1971–present
Label(s) It, RCA Italiana, Philips, Heinz Music
Website www.antonellovenditti.it

ps. 影片播放器要求較高!

2009年6月18日 星期四

Leona Lewis-Pop Record June 2009.

21年來首位英國女歌手稱霸美國冠軍 超越所有當紅女歌手 里歐娜刷新六大美國排行紀錄
Leona -the NewNowNext Awards-08 Leona_Lewis_08-Roberto Cavalli Leona-the Nelson Mandela-concert
以下 Text: 引用自 里歐娜在痞客邦的官方部落格 (http://blog.pixnet.net/leonalewis) 一等就是21年 里歐娜現象蔓延全球 「英國星光美聲新天后」里歐娜〈Leona Lewis〉一發不可收拾,最新公佈的美國告示牌〈Billboard〉雜誌單曲排行榜(Hot 100)上,她先前英國金榜七週冠軍年度單曲、橫掃全球28國冠軍的「蔓延的愛〈Bleeding Love〉」由第八名直衝冠軍寶座,刷新多項英國女歌手紀錄:里歐娜成為自1987年英國女歌手金懷德〈Kim Wilde〉老歌新唱曲「You Keep Me Hangin' On」之後,21年來首位英國女歌手稱霸美國冠軍!另外她還刷新「初登場〈debut single〉」紀錄,繼1981年席娜伊斯頓〈Sheena Easton〉以名曲「Morning Train (Nine to Five)」奪下美國單曲榜冠軍後後,27年來首位英國女歌手以初登場歌曲征服美國,她也成為自排行榜成立後,史上第三位有此佳績的女歌手,在席娜伊斯頓之前另一位以首發單曲跨洋奪冠的英國女歌手則是佩圖拉克拉克〈Petula Clark〉,她的名曲「Downtown」在1965年奪下美國單曲冠軍。 28國排行冠軍 超越所有英國女歌手 近來英國女歌手輪番上場進軍美國都有很好表現:艾美懷絲、KT、喬絲史東、肯妮貝兒〈Corinne Bailey Rae〉、出生於紐西蘭在英國發展的貝汀菲兒〈Natasha Bedingfield〉都成功入侵向來排外的美國市場,其中貝汀菲兒曾在單曲榜奪下第五,艾美懷絲奪下第九名最是成功,不過里歐娜卻更上層樓,在這群英國娘子兵團中脫穎而出,讓里歐娜改寫英國排行歷史之後,又改寫美國排行榜歷史,成為名留流行樂史的新天后。另外,里歐娜還是從艾美懷絲之後首位打入前十名的英國藝人,更是十年來繼詹姆仕布朗特〈James Blunt〉後,另一位拿下冠軍的英籍歌手。先前在「脫口秀天后」歐普拉節目上演唱被歐普拉讚譽:「一個巨星誕生了」、「貨真價實的巨星」,然後又登上「脫口秀天王」傑哥-傑雷諾〈Jay Leno〉演唱,能同時被天后天王青睞證實她在美國的超高人氣,接下來她還會上艾倫、Regis and Kelly、Jimmy Kimmel等熱門節目,目前這股里歐娜現象繼續在全球燃燒,「蔓延的愛」除了繼續稱霸歐洲單曲榜冠軍外,她也是美國iTunes排行的冠軍天后,總計全球奪下28國排行冠軍,成績讓人咋舌。 里歐娜改寫美國六大紀錄 紀錄一:繼1986年金懷德〈Kim Wilde〉後21年來首位英國女歌手拿下美國單曲榜冠軍 紀錄二:搖滾史上第三位英國女歌手以初登場單曲拿下美國單曲榜冠軍 紀錄三:繼1981年的席娜伊斯頓〈Sheena Easton〉後,27年來首位英國女歌手初登場就拿下美國單曲榜冠軍 紀錄四:十年來第二位英籍歌手拿下美國榜冠軍,上一位是2005年的詹姆仕布朗特 紀錄五:艾美懷絲之後一年來首位打入前十名的英國藝人 紀錄六:繼1991年喬治麥可後SONY BMG唱片首位奪下美國單曲榜冠軍的英國歌手 里歐娜是今年BBC「Sport Relief」公益活動的慈善大使,她除了演唱主題曲「Footprints In The Sand〈沙灘上的腳印〉」外,還親自實地走訪南非探視病童,當她看到許多小孩沒有父母也缺乏照顧,讓她心碎不已,還寫下日記替受到愛滋肆虐的災區發聲,「我真不知這些小孩未來在哪裡,我唱這首歌會有很多感觸,會讓我想起所有我遇到的家庭和人們,他們的勇敢和啟發人心讓我永遠難忘。」里歐娜隨即把今年參加「全英音樂獎」時,由義大利時尚大師 Roberto Cavalli 為她量身訂做的華服進行拍賣,要把所有拍賣所得捐贈,這個舉動得到大師肯定。 已經在英國的eBay上進行拍賣的衣服耗費超過50小時才大工告成,Roberto Cavalli開心表示,「這是里歐娜善心的表現,而我的名字能和這件事有關讓我感到驕傲。」Cavalli說,「從里歐娜出道就和她一起合作,對我來說是莫大光榮,她有雙漂亮的雙眼,不可思議的歌聲,還有清新又積極的態度。」大師甚至說,里歐娜能有這些光環和成就證明有真正天份的人還是能成功,「她已經成為一個模範,成名都因為她不斷認真的工作和堅強的意志。」 榮登開春熱賣天后 橫掃台灣十榜冠軍 里歐娜在台灣發片成績一樣驚人,在銷售、數位、電台通通稱霸,成為今年開春以來台灣最熱賣的西洋女歌手及新人,除了稱霸G-Music風雲榜三週冠軍、五大金榜五週冠軍外,專輯《心靈深處》及單曲「蔓延的愛」在KKBOX及ezPeer+數位榜上更分別奪下八連勝與七連勝,而她的歌曲也因網友熱烈點播,竟然專輯有八首歌曲同時出現在數位點播排行榜上,甚至前三名通通都是自己的歌曲,形成「里歐娜PK里歐娜」的罕見現像. 從英國、歐洲、澳洲、美國到台灣,全世界都在討論里歐娜,「里歐娜現象」在全球持續燃燒!這位新紅乍紫的天后最新單曲「好好的過〈Better In Time〉」 Contacting Leona Lewis

Bocelli to get star on Walk of Fame Singer's spot to be unveiled in March

» 2009-06-18 16:00 Bocelli to get star on Walk of Fame Singer's spot to be unveiled in March (ANSA) - Los Angeles, June 18 - Andrea Bocelli is to get a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. The pop-classical tenor will make his mark on the famed sidewalk next March along with Ringo Starr, Bryan Adams, Van Morrison, Russell Crowe, Emma Thompson, Colin Firth and James Cameron, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has announced.Bocelli's star will be unveiled on March 2 during the seventh edition of the 'Los Angeles-Italia' Film Festival, a week before the Oscars. Bocelli, 50, has sold 65 million albums worldwide and has performed at some of the world's top music venues with the likes of Sarah Brightman, Celine Dion, Christina Aguilera and Laura Pausini. He won a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination with Dion in 1999 for the song The Prayer from the film Quest for Camelot, and has two Grammy nominations to his credit. Bocelli's last performance was at last month's Champions League Final in Rome where he sang Honour Him from the film Gladiator.

2010 Walk of Fame honorees revealed

Russell Crowe, Adam Sandler, Bill Maher among names

Staff report

June 17, 2009, 09:37 PM ET

Russell Crowe, Adam Sandler, Bill Maher and Ringo Starr are among the entertainers who will have their names added to Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2010. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce announced Wednesday that next year's Walk honorees from the world of motion pictures will be Crowe, Sandler, James Cameron, John Cusack, Colin Firth, Gale Anne Hurd, Alan Menken, Randy Newman, Emma Thompson and Mark Wahlberg. TV honorees are Maher, Chris Berman, Jon Cryer, Peter Graves, Jimmy Kimmel, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Sam Waterston. Recording artists to be recognized are Starr, Bryan Adams, the Funk Brothers, Alan Jackson, Chaka Khan, Van Morrison, Marco Antonio Solis, ZZ Top and the late Roy Orbison. Andrea Bocelli and the Cirque du Soleil's Guy Liberte will represent live performance and theater.
Andrea Bocelli wants to be remembered alongside Caruso, Pavarotti

12:00 AM CDT on Saturday, June 13, 2009

By PRESTON JONES / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News

Andrea Bocelli's tenor, smooth and potent, is one of the world's most famous voices.

He has sold more than 65 million albums, lugged home dozens of industry awards and endeared himself to an adoring fan base while nonetheless incurring the wrath of numerous classical-music critics.

But criticism has never deterred Bocelli, who despite dabbling in song during his formative years and losing his sight to glaucoma at age 12, initially bypassed professional singing for a stint in law school.

"I have never abandoned music; music has never abandoned me," Bocelli said through an interpreter. "We were always close and went side by side. Even during that period of law school, music was always there."

Bocelli's latest studio album, Incanto, reaches back to his years growing up on his family's farm in Tuscany. Italian staples such as "Mamma" and "Funiculì Funiculà" are brought to robust life, as Bocelli relies on traditional instrumentation, avoiding pop gloss.

Incanto is about "memories of beautiful days, my house, my family when I was very, very young," Bocelli said. "Incanto is a selection of some of the most beautiful songs for tenors. These are songs I've loved since I was a child."

In support of Incanto, Bocelli will embark upon a six-date tour of the U.S. that brings him to American Airlines Center tonight. For this short tour, Bocelli said fans can expect a carefully selected set list – and perhaps a few surprises.

"The material for the concerts will be the typical material but in the repertoire of an Italian tenor," Bocelli said. "There will be pieces from opera, there will be songs from the Incanto album, and there will be some important guests as well."

Most people probably know of Bocelli, either from his appearances on PBS (he has released 11 concerts on DVD, most of which have been aired on public television) or his lone smash single, "Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro)", a duet performed with fellow superstar Sarah Brightman.

Those who simply file him under the "pop" heading might be surprised to learn that the 50-year-old Bocelli is intent on staking a claim as one of Italy's premier operatic tenors, fighting for a place alongside all-time greats such as Enrico Caruso and Luciano Pavarotti.

"I very much like the idea of keeping [pop and opera] separate because they're like two languages that need to keep their own purity," Bocelli said. "When you sing opera or pop, the beauty in either of those is like speaking two different languages. The great attraction is being able to speak both of those languages with the right accent."

He's tackled everything from Puccini's La bohème and Tosca to Leoncavallo's Pagliacci and Bizet's Carmen, although the classical establishment has been less than charitable in its assessment.

"The critic's duty is to report that Mr. Bocelli is not a very good singer," wrote Bernard Holland in a 2006 New York Times review. "The tone is rasping, thin and, in general, poorly supported. Even the most modest upward movement thins it even more, signaling what appears to be the onset of strangulation."

Bocelli takes the criticism in stride, continuing to follow his muse, wherever it may lead. (Being one of the world's best-selling artists, in any genre, can't hurt.)

"If you're talking about particular pieces of music, particular operas, there are plenty of them I haven't yet tried – plenty of those challenges yet," he said. "In general terms, I think that reality has far exceeded all my dreams, so I can consider myself extremely satisfied."

While he may be content on the surface, ask Bocelli what drives him, and the answer is at once succinct and slightly sappy.

"It's really the passion I have for music. Music, for me, is like a really powerful magnet, and it draws me toward that sound. It's the music that does it."Plan your life.

2009年6月16日 星期二

VITAS Opera#2 & Lucia Di Lammermoor 超级男高音

cen99: Vitas_Opera #2 (俄文+中文字幕)

Vitas俄語Витас,原名維塔利·弗拉達索維奇·格拉喬夫Виталий Владасович Грачев,拉丁轉寫:Vitalii Vladasovich Grachyov1981年2月19日-),目前無正式中譯名,被一些媒體稱作維塔斯。他在拉脫維亞出生,是現時俄羅斯當紅男歌手,以其跨越五個八度的寬廣音域和高音區雌雄難辨的聲線著稱海豚音。是俄羅斯流行音樂領域繼t.A.T.u.Nu Virgos之後又一風靡全球的歌手。他于2000年克里姆林宮的演唱會的現場錄像曾在網路上廣泛流傳,其個人網站的日均訪問量曾一度超過20萬。

原名 維塔利·弗拉達索維奇·格拉喬夫 Виталий Владасович Грачев
暱稱 Vitas
出生 1981年2月19日 (1981-02-19) (28歲) 蘇聯拉脫維亞
職業 歌手作曲家演員、流行設計師
出身地 俄羅斯
活躍年代 2000年至今


從敖德薩將Vitas發掘出來的是俄羅斯著名音樂製作人謝爾蓋·普多夫金Sergey Pudovkin)。普多夫金在敖德薩聽過Vitas演唱的錄音帶之後,慨嘆自己「發現了俄羅斯音樂的天才」。很快,Vitas就隨普多夫金來到莫斯科,並正式開始以Vitas為藝名登上俄羅斯樂壇。

2000年Vitas克里姆林宮因演唱《歌劇2》取得空前的成功,他迅速成為全世界矚目的流行巨星。他的成名曲《歌劇2》(Opera #2,其俄文寫法為Опера #2)成為俄羅斯年度最受歡迎的單曲。在這首單曲中,Vitas達到了soprano C的高音,極富震撼力。被稱為「俄羅斯音樂教母」的著名歌唱家普加喬娃在聽了Vitas演唱的《歌劇2》之後稱:「我激動得流淚了,無論是為了音樂,還是為了他的表演。」



  • 2002年,在世界聯盟委員會「無毒品智力」組織的私人邀請下,Vitas及其製作人謝爾蓋·普多夫金加入了該組織的管理委員會,並成為該組織的名譽會員。該組織的會員還包括所有俄羅斯的教長,達賴喇嘛,Koffey Annan,Tina Turner 以及20多個國家的總理。在Tashtar-Ata聖山腳下的淨化儀式上,Vitas被授予了有三億五千萬年歷史的「世界石」。傳說中,這塊石頭吸收了全世界人類有史以來所有的好事。
  • 2002年9月29日Vitas克里姆林宮的舞台上舉辦了他的時裝設計發布會「秋天的夢」。這次表演共包含了42套女士服裝,其中有些已經在阿爾瑪-阿泰,維爾紐斯柏林塔什干特拉維夫,阿詩克隆展出。現在普多夫金先生正在同西方的公司就推廣Vitas品牌,安排服裝生產線的事項進行談判。
  • 2002年12月,Vitas出演了由杜索娃夫人的小說《 被愛的惡棍》改編的電視系列劇。他飾演的角色是個由省城來到首都的藝術家,以他獨一無二的嗓音與歌聲在流行舞台上引起了轟動。{{lang|en|Vitas為這部片子的音樂創作了兩首歌曲。拍攝期間這個系列劇的製作人就向謝爾蓋·普多夫金提出了延長合同到下個系列的拍攝。
  • 2003年春,根據 Rogeur Vitraque 的舞台劇改編的話劇《維克多,力量中的孩子》在馬雅可夫斯基大劇院舉行首演,Vitas出演了主角—一個九歲的男孩。
  • 2003年1月,Vitas 參加了6號到11號在德里舉辦的印度電影節。在電影節的活動中,他舉行了一場個人表演,還參加了開幕式。



2001-2002年階段,Vitas 以衣著的華麗、中性而著稱。當他演唱《歌劇2》的時候,樂團演奏人員一概身穿中世紀哥德風格長袍,頭帶黑色面紗,其舞臺風格相當另類,營造出一種神秘魔幻之氛圍。在一場演出中,他甚至單手抓住鞦韆懸吊在空中,演唱《歌劇2》。2003年開始,因其母親的驟然過世,喪母之痛影響下,Vitas的作品風格也大為改變,兩張紀念母親的專輯《媽媽》、《我母親的歌》,風格轉驅成熟穩重,演出衣著則以西裝造型為主。

除歌喉外,Vitas 還以其招牌似的迷人眼神和微笑著稱。俄羅斯媒體形容他的眼神「如鬼魅一般」、「如受到詛咒一般誘人」。

Vitas媒體的關係相當冷漠,甚少接受採訪。但據說這是他的製作人普多夫金的要求。普多夫金稱,此舉的目的是希望公眾把注意力集中在 Vitas 的音樂而非私生活上。

儘管 Vitas 對媒體保持冷漠的態度,但據一些和他有過接觸的人介紹,Vitas私底下是一個非常健談和開朗的人。他不抽煙,但喜歡喝一點點酒。對於他是閹伶的說法,這些人均認為非常荒謬,因為Vitas平常的舉止、聲音和普通男人別無二致。

  • 單曲
    • Опера №2Opera#2 歌劇2),2001年(單曲專輯)
    • Good-byeGood-bye 再見),2001年(單曲專輯)
  • 專輯
  • 合輯
    • Vitas之最新個人演唱會「Return Home-回家」於2007年3月在克里姆林宮舉行首演。 約20多首Vitas的新作品將於該演唱會中呈獻予觀眾。 其中有一小部份新作如「鶴唳」、「俄羅斯岸邊」、「我祈求諸聖」、「小王子」、「我呢喃著你的名字」等歌曲皆已先透過網路流傳而廣受歌迷們的喜愛。

    Laura Pausini-Un fatto ovvio

    Laura Pausini - Un Fatto Ovvio Album: Primavera In Anticipo

    Spanish version is Un Hecho Obvio.

    from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw5lTp07TNk

    Domani 21/4,09 MV (右下三角圖形按下,MV下方的第二小圖框)
    Un Fatto Ovvio An Obvious Fact
    È inutile che ormai Ti ostini a dire no Negando un fatto ovvio… Tu necessiti di me Nello stesso modo che Anch'io di te Tu lascia che ora sia così. Prendi il sogno che ora è qui E inizia a crederci E non andare mai via perché… Fino a che rimani Sarai tu il migliore dei miei mali. Tu sarai, di questi anni avari L'oro nelle mani E sarò lo stesso anch'io per te E basterebbe ammettere Che comunque quel che c'è È la prova più evidente Che un passato sterile Non concede repliche Né al futuro, né al presente Così, ormai Non tornare indietro mai Non sacrificare noi Lo sai… Fino a che rimani Sarai tu il migliore dei miei mali Dei miei mali. Tu sarai, di questi anni avari L'oro nelle mani e sarò Lo stesso anch'io Lo stesso anch'io Dei miei giorni insani La cura nelle mani Tu sarai. Lo sarò anch'io per te È inutile che ormai Ti ostini a dire no Negando un fatto ovvio It is useless that now You persist in saying “No” Denying an obvious fact… You need me In the same way that I do you too Accept (lit: Allow) that now it might be like this. Take the dream that is here now And begin to believe in us And never go away because… For as long as you stay You will be the best of my ills. You will be, in these lean years The gold in my hands And I will be the same for you too And it would be enough to admit That whatever happens It is the clearest proof That a sterile past Does not allow replies Neither in the future, nor at present So, now Never turn back Do not sacrifice us You know… For as long as you stay You will be the best of my ills Of my ills. You will be, in these lean years The gold in my hands and I will be The same too The same too You will be The cure in my hands Of my insane days. I will be it for you too It is useless that now You persist in saying “No” Denying an obvious fact
    The song Un Fatto Ovvio by Laura Pausini has been listed for 7 weeks on the Italy Singles Top 50. It entered the chart on position 22 on week 18/2009, it's last appearance was on week 24/2009. It peaked on number 9, where it stayed for 1 week.

    2009年6月15日 星期一

    Andrea Bocelli-Mellodramma & Mi Manchi.

    中文名稱:托斯卡納的天空 英文名稱:Cieli Di Toscana 發行時間:2001年10月16日 【唱片公司】Universal 主打歌曲《Melodramma》充滿著拿波裡民歌特色,波切利深情動人的演繹讓這首主打作品得以成為其演唱生涯中的經典力作之一,而著名樂團 U2的主音歌手 Bono 在《L'Incontro》一曲前深情朗誦波切利親自創作的詩句,更為專輯增光添彩。 專輯曲目: 01.Melodramma (4:09) 02.Mille Lune Mille Onde (4:01) 03.E Sara' A Settembre (Someone Like You) (5:06) 04.Chiara (4:04) 05.Mascagni (4:12) 06.Resta Qui (4:10) 07.Il Mistero Dell'Amore (4:30) 08.Se La Gente Usasse Il Cuore (5:00) 09.Si Volto' (4:07) 10.L'Abitudine (4:21) 11.L'Incontro (4:52) 12.E Mi Manchi Tu (5:03) 13.Il Diavolo E L'Angelo (4:03) 14.L'Ultimo Re (3:48)


    這是我的歌,愛的頌歌 我正為妳引吭高唱 我正為妳引吭高唱 伴隨著苦痛,如此激烈,如此強大 伴隨著苦痛,如此激烈,如此強大 深深刺傷了我的心。 深深刺傷了我的心。 明亮的晨光甦醒,田野間傳來酒氣的芳香 明亮的晨光甦醒,田野間傳來酒氣的芳香 我在夢中遇到妳,如今更見妳翩然而來 我在夢中遇到妳,如今更見妳翩然而來 喔,記憶翻騰,遠方丘陵如畫 喔,記憶翻騰,遠方丘陵如畫 我卻痛徹心扉,是該起身了,是該離去了…… 我卻痛徹心扉,是該起身了,是該離去了…… 明亮的晨光甦醒,阡陌之中一座風車轉動 明亮的晨光甦醒,阡陌之中一座風車轉動 我的命運於焉降臨,沒有妳的苦痛命運,沒有妳而苦痛 我的命運於焉降臨,沒有妳的苦痛命運,沒有妳而苦痛 我的心輕輕吟唱著,一曲甜美的真愛樂章 我的心輕輕吟唱著,一曲甜美的真愛樂章 這是愛的頌歌,我正為妳引吭高唱 這是愛的頌歌,我正為妳引吭高唱 這曲真愛樂章,少了妳,我獨自歌唱..... 這曲真愛樂章,少了妳,我獨自歌唱.....

    MI MANCHI - Andrea Bocelli live

    歌詞我想念你 Mi manchi我想你 Quando il sole da la mano all’orizzonte當太陽在地平線上觸動 Quando il buio spegne il chiasso 當夜幕關閉噪音 della gente人們 La stanchezza addosso che non

    va più via 全身疲憊似乎無法消失 Come l`ombra di qualcosa ancora mia. 如我東西的陰影 Mi manchi 我想你 Nei tuoi sguardi 在你的期待裡 E in quel sorriso un pò incosciente 並有點輕率微笑 Nelle scuse di quei tuoi probabilmente 在您的這些藉口中, Sei quel nodo in gola 你使我如梗在喉 che non scende giù 難以嚥下

    E tu e tu 是您,是您 Mi manchi mi manchi 我想念你,我想念Posso far finta di star bene ma mi manchi 我可以假裝感覺很好,但我想你

    Ora capisco che vuol dire 現在我明白必須說 Averti accanto prima di dormire Averti 在你睡覺前都要待在我身旁. Mentre cammino a piedi nudi

    dentro l'anima 雖然毫不掩飾我的立場

    Mi manchi e potrei 我想念你,我可以 cercarmi un’altra donna 尋找另一名女子 ma m’ingannerei 但我還會欺騙自己 Sei il mio rimorso senza fine 你使我無限悔恨 Il freddo delle mie mattine 寒冷的早晨, Quando mi guardo attorno 當我環顧四周 E sento che mi manchi 我覺得我想念你 Ora che io posso darti un pò di più 現在,我可以給你多一點 E tu e tu 是您是您 Mi manchi e potrei 我想念你,我想念你 avere un’altra donna 雖說我將有另一名女子 ma m’ingannerei Sei il mio rimorso senza fine 但你使我無限悔恨 . Il freddo delle mie mattine 寒冷的早晨, Quando mi guardo intorno 當我環顧四周 E sento che mi manchi 我覺得我想念你

    Neffa - Il Mondo Nuovo & Passione (Saturno Contro OST)

    Neffa - Il Mondo Nuovo (Video)

    ◎收錄義大利電台點播超過十週個人代表冠軍曲Il Mondo Nuovo [新世界] ◎2007新版特別超值加收義大利票房冠軍電影「熾愛」主題曲”Passione”[歐美音樂欣賞區中]   這位來自義大利的全方位歌手Neffa,本名為Giovanni Pellino,不僅能夠創作,更跨越曲風籓籬的延伸出音樂的多角度。自80年代開始,Neffa陸續在數組硬式龐克搖滾樂團中擔任鼓手一職1994 年,Neffa曲風大逆轉,協同DJ Gruff、Deda共組Sangue Misto三人嘻哈隊伍,隨後打造義大利饒舌界的暢銷經典專輯《SXM》,就在這段高峰期,1996年Neffa和結合義大利與美國藝人的I Messaggeri della Dopa,齊力問市《Neffa & I Messaggeri della Dopa》首張大碟。有了這些新嚐試後,Neffa還不滿足,2001年起轉型成為一名節奏藍調歌手。2007年替電影「熾愛/Saturno Contro」作配樂,以片中原創音樂和”Passione”,在「義大利奧斯卡」中獲得「最佳電影音樂」與「最佳電影主題曲」兩項提名。   可以歐式流行、可以龐克狂野、可以嘻哈街頭、可以都會柔美的節奏藍調、更可以意境優雅的古典韻味,完全掌控的恰到好處。2006年推出的這張《Alla Fine Della Notte》,體驗Neffa無國界的音樂概念。開場的”Tanta Luce”以靈魂、藍調樂種拉起序幕;包覆節奏藍調音韻的”Senza Ali”,不失其順暢誘人的線條;流行民謠小品”Blu”、”Vieni Appena Puoi”,融合式的展現悠閒慵懶;鼓譟搖擺的”Che Sara Sara”,則轉換出亮麗Funky-Soul頻率;”Venere”卻又置入一幕淡淡爵士場景;特別加收電影「熾愛/Saturno Contro」主題曲”Passione”,雕塑出一幅浪漫動人的義大利音樂風情畫.
    Neffa - Passione (Saturno Contro OST)
    Vieni Appena Puoi Lyrics 流行民謠小品.
    Che Sarà Sarà Lyrics的鼓譟搖擺抒情詩“ / 1 ”

    Laura Pausini- strani amori w/lyrics.


    Mi dispiace devo andare via 很抱歉,我不得不離開 Ma sapevo che era una bugia 但我知道這是一個謊言 Quanto tempo perso dietro a lui 在他之後失去了多少時光 Che promette e poi non cambia mai 他承諾以後再也不會變 Strani amori mettono nei guai Strani amori 罕見的愛 帶來麻煩 Ma, in realtà, siamo noi 但事實上是我們自己(找麻煩) E lo aspetti ad un telefono 你在等一通電話 Litigando che sai libero 爭論著你知道自由 Un gomitolo nell’angolo 在角落的一個球 Lì da solo, dentro un brivido 孤單的在那裡,冷冷顫抖 Ma perché lui non c’è 但是為什麼他不在? E sono strani amori che 是奇怪的愛情 Fanno crescere e sorridere 讓人成長和微笑 Fra le lacrime 在淚水中 Quante pagine lì da scrivere 有多少頁要敘述 Sogni e lividi da dividere (多少) 夢想與傷痕要區分 Sono amori che spesso a questa età 這是在這樣年紀所有的愛 Si confondono dentro a quest`anima 讓我們的內心深處如此困惑 Che si interroga senza decidere 讓人質疑無法決定 Se è un amore che va per noi 如果這就是我們經歷過的愛情 E quante notte perse a piangere 多少夜晚在哭泣中所流逝 Rileggendo quelle lettere 重讀這些信件 Che non riesci più a buttare via 些你捨棄不掉的信函 Dal labirinto della nostalgia 從懷念的迷惘中 Grandi amori che finiscono 我兩轟烈的愛情結束了 Ma perché restano nel cuore 但為什麼還停留在心中? Strani amori che vanno e vengono Strani amori 罕見的愛 夙乎來去 Nei pensieri che lì nascondono 在思緒 中躲藏著 Storie vere che ci appartengono 真實的故事都有所歸屬 Ma si lasciano come noi 但卻把像我們這種人遺棄 Strani amori fragili Strani amori 罕見的愛 是脆弱的 Prigionieri, liberi 被束縛的人,自由的人. Strani amori mettono nei guai Strani amori 罕見的愛 帶來麻煩 Ma, in realtà, siamo noi 但在事實上是我們自己(找麻煩) Strani amori fragili Strani amori 罕見的愛 是脆弱的 Prigionieri, liberi 被束縛的人,自由的人.[感情] Strani amori che non sanno vivere Strani amori 不知道如何生活 E si perdono dentro noi 罕見的愛 讓我們失去自我 Mi dispiace devo andare via 很抱歉,我不得不離開 Questa volta l’ho promesso a me 這次我答應自已 Perché ho voglia di un amore vero 要有真正的愛情 Senza te 不是跟你!


    蘿拉生於拉文納的華恩札, 在Solarolo長大。她從8歲起和她父親一起在當地鋼琴酒吧唱歌。在1993年 ,她用一首"孤獨"(La solitudine)贏得聖雷莫歌唱節開始她的歌唱事業。

    1994年, 她發行了她第一張西班牙語同名專輯, 其中翻唱她前兩張義大利語專輯("蘿拉·普西妮"以及"蘿拉")裡的歌, 因此讓她再西班牙語系國家也成了家喻戶曉的歌手。普西妮嘗試用英語專輯打入美國市場, 但雖然第一張單曲"投降"(Surrender)賣的不錯, 整張專輯的銷售量沒有像預期一樣成功。

    普西妮賣了超過4千6百萬張唱片, 有超過160張白金唱片, 以及一張鑽石唱片。 她分別在1994年以及2003年得到世界音樂獎, 以及歐洲國際唱片業交流基金會奬。

    Beyonce great songs.

    Halo,If I were a Boy,Ave Maria,Flaws and all,...GREAT~~ Background information Birth name Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Born September 4, 1981 (age 27)[1] Origin Houston, Texas, U.S. Genre(s) R&B, pop Occupation(s) Singer-songwriter, record producer, actress Instrument(s) Vocals Voice type(s) Mezzo-soprano Years active 1990–present Label(s) Columbia Associated acts Destiny's Child Website BeyonceOnline.com